Wednesday 25 January 2012


And I had a dinner slightly too soon tonight for my teeth as we were going to Llanelli for a Folk Club which was good tonight
But my teeth are better now, and feel a bit strange, like proper teeth they feel, which they haven't for some years now


And we went to the dentist and finished off my course of treatment today. It didn't hurt too much but some. My ragged fillings on my front teeth are now properly smooth etc.
And if I pick my nose it is numb too.
So I have an appointment with the hygenist in four months which will be free as I now have a Denplan direct debit set up as the NHS doesn't seem to hold any competent dentists now


So s'morning Tim(my) was with me, firstly we went to the Docs surgery and picked up my script for asthma medecine, then we went to the chemist that's nearby and got my inhalers.

Then we went to Argos and bought a "clothes airer" that's bigger than the one I own already so hopefully I can outsmart the expensive and global warming tumble drier