Friday 6 June 2014


Then later we went out to the local pub and it was nice
More to t'point we drove up, parked in't car park, got out and walked to the entrance, climbed up the steps (left, right...) and went in't pub with no wheelchair.
And I got back out afterwards.....


Then later we went to gym. Paul hasn't been for a couple of weeks and he was astonished at how much better I am. So he took a load of photos to show the difference in my performance

2 Feet

So s'morning I walked into and around Aardvark, as is usual now then we nipped to Wilkinson's and I again walked into and around shop, paid standing up etc.
One of women who works there and knows me by site said 'Ooh walking, well done'. I replied that as I get better at walking soon I will be able to chase her, she said 'Oh, I would let you catch me'
But in Aardvark I walked left, right, left, right both up and down the stairs


So I went to the loo after breakfast like I do most mornings. Like most mornings I had my usual enormous poo. Like most mornings I flushed the loo and it went away.

Think about it, so I poo, flush and it has gone, where? Just about every building in the country has one (or more) of these flushing devices. What enormous infrastructure of drains and sewers must exist under every-f**king-where?

So at a guess I am thankful to the Victorians who started this building thingy....