Monday 26 October 2015

Out For Tea

And as I protested about cooking for 3 of us* we are heading out to The Tafarn Tanerdy tonight, for a petty cash dinner and I will pay for mine
Yes and very nice it was. The landlord said "We usually see you at the weekend. Monday??", I s'pose I am distinctive looking...
* This is the last night we will have 3 of us fir now, Mark is "fully qualified" to drive me about etc now


And s'morning before we headed off to the pool the postman knocked the door and handed me some swimming aids
And good lord, what a difference they make. It is still difficult but I seem much more .......

Busy Morning

So first of all we have to nip to Morrison's and amongst other stuff try and pick up a stir fry pack with additions, I used to make these regularly but I haven't for a while....
Then after someone has taken off my sockings we need to head to the swimming pool
And we went shopping and did that, now we are back indoors for half an hour before swimming. Hooray
But when shopping I had on my list a stir fry ingredients and a sauce for it. I had no noodles on my list as I own some old ones here but I am looking forward to tomorrow....