Friday 16 October 2015


And when I walked into the pub up the street tonight one person commented on how he had never seen me walk before, last time he was in't pub I was stuck in my 'chair

Dinner Time

And we had that delicious Friday treat tonight too.....


And I went to gym and did loads of exercises. Yes, my limbs are still fscked but they are so much better than they were a few months ago........
One of the things I achieved was the getting down to your knees, crawling backwards and forwards then picking myself up. Even Sam said "I don't need to watch now, you can just do it...."


So tomorrow we are off to Laugharne to see the special band playing


So we went to Aardvark s'morning and spent way too much cash on food....

Sigh it's Friday

So s'morning to Aardvark then to gym for my class