Saturday, 20 December 2014

Pick It Up

And I went to my wardrobe s'afternoon took out a change of clothes. Then accidentally I dropped my pants. "Help, help"? No, today I could just bend down and pick 'em up
Just wow etc, how much better am I getting?


Aargh, today's conversation (on Ixion) about work/wages etc eventually said "not to mention whether you might feel that earning a pittance and having ... support you would make you feel guilty" I feel that I did worthwhile work for a pittance for years, eventually I found myself in a well paid job and 4 months later someone tried to kill me
Oooh and not posting summat to this effect to Ixion hurts my soul but I am sick of being seen as......


And I spoke to Timmy s'morning about what I was saying in the last paragraph of "James" yesterday about walking without my FES and he did say "No, you need to keep it on....." for reasons I am not sure I understand or agree with but I will take his work for it now....

I AM Getting Better

Wandering about my flat today it occurred to me.... Walking is still harder than it was before my accident but it is so much easier than it was a few weeks ago....
Quote Timmy, "You are no longer a wheelchair user, you have one sometimes...."