Saturday 16 November 2013

Currys in Swansea

Then we went to the massive Curry's in Swansea. There most cameras had batteries so I was able to discuss my needs with a (beautiful) woman and we brought away a piece of paper containing all info. about this camera. So hopefully we will pass it on to Anthony then he will either buy 1 for me or (more likely, hopefully) give me the cash to buy it.
Then we went and had dinner in Pizza Hut across the way and then we were s'possed to go 5 minutes away and see Alex's band but Paul thought I looked so rough we just came home instead

One foot is cold

So I had my bath, got dried then got on my bed for a nap. None of me is undercover, it is warm enough. For all of me apart from my right leg. Which is cold from the knee down, rest of my leg is warm enough, rest of body and arms warm enough apart from my right shin (shrug).  


So me and SmallPaul (a stranger, I haven't seen him for two weeks) nipped into Carmarthen to go shopping.
First of all we went into Curry's but most of their digital cameras had no battery, so the whole visit was useless.
Then we went to Carmarthen Camera Center which was a lot better and lookable at/playable with. I think we decided what to buy but I am a little put off. Apparently the photo will be higher quality but until I can play with it and plug it into my 'puter I won't know for sure