Monday 13 December 2010


Lord what a hectic day so far. I got up s'morning, was half way through my brekky when my phone rang, it was the professor who was due in at 10.30 today, he said "Sorry, I am a bit early as I hadn't explored, so can I come and see you now?" After I had finished my muesli I opened the front door, and there he was. We didn't talk about much 'til my father got here at 10 o'clock. Then he was saying how surprising it is to him to meet me, the medical notes said I was f*cked but then he met me and appreciated how much my perseverance can do.

Then me and Dad went and had lunch in Carmarthen, then we went to look for Lidl, my Dad went in and asked for a bottle of Whiskey Mac they said "Not here", I phoned J again and she told me Aldi which neither of us had ever seen so went on to Morrisons and spent loads on food etc. Then when I was back, my Dad had gone to town for a smoke alarm I looked on line, my Dad came back and I have sent him off to Stephens Way to try to buy some now

Then I went out and had dinner in Dad's hotel which was lovely, but I am exhausted