Thursday 22 September 2011


And tomorrow is beginning to look a bit too busy, well first of all I have gotta meet Sara at Carmarthen Leisure Centre where we are gonna try to work out a series of exercises that I can do, then at 2pm Sarah OT is coming to see me and talk about my garden etc, then we have to go to Waverley Stores to buy my weeks shopping


So I had an enormous chap looking after my needs today. We started slowly, him catching up on paperwork, then he explained how to set my telly to record programs. Talk about easier than 10 years ago, I needed no time/clock typing, I just got to a program, pressed record once to just record this weeks or press it twice to record the rest of the series. We went and looked at my recorded programs and I had recorded 140 episodes of one, whoops, by accident, but it must be huge this memory drive thingy.
Then in the afternoon we went out round town again, even tho I was exhausting him by insisting that I need to go uphill