Monday 20 September 2010


But as I woke up at 5.30 this morning I feel a bit rough now......

Double Lord

Well we went out and had an excellent dinner, I had Cous Cous stuffed stuff (Avocado p'raps), it was very nice and healthy too


And then, at last I took my parents shopping. I went round and round the shop and got everything I needed. At the cash desk my mother insisted on paying but I was too late to get loadsa extras, but I got my weeks shopping for free


We went off to Singleton Hospital to fetch my new boot which had eventually come back with a now less sticky up right footwear thing. They now feel a bit strange but pretty good, they are more walkable in than my old boots. But these ones are black which I am pleased about
And after a couple of hours wearing them I think they are more comfortable than my other raised up pair, so hopefully they will be excellent in the long run
And they said to me t'other day that they would post 'em to me, which they didn't and knew nowt about but luckily my Dad was here to drive me over, cheaper than a taxi


Well he came over lunchtime today and interrogated me. He did say that I was much better than he remembered me, in the 3 or 4 years since he saw me I have come on bounds. And after he interrogated me, and asked me obscure questions etc to see how I was


And at 11 o'clock this chap is coming to assess me, to see how much help I will need in the future. I want to shout "None" but he has gotta decide for himself

Oh dear

Well I woke up, thought "Aaaah", got flipping up etc, at........ at 5.30 this morning