Thursday 19 April 2012

Dr Richard

Then came down the chap who was here for a number of hours, recording and videoing me talking. His name was Dr Richard Body, speech & language therapist and he is on my side putting my claim together. He did say some interesting stuff and gave me an example from his tape device of how I need to speak slowly and louder and clearer (which I was capable of doing, unlike some of his patients) in order to make my voice more understandable
So practising now, every time I speak


Then we had to take that Toby chap and buy him some food, as they had cut off his dole without telling him so he had to reapply s'morning. Now he is a proper doley, sign on every fortnight and get hassle off the staff etc


So Paul came round s'morning and he soon took me to the Doctors for a follow up appointment on my swollen left leg. He said it is still slightly swollen but nowt to worry about. He said that I should try resting my leg on a cushion when I am in bed