Wednesday 18 February 2015

Strange New Purchase

So while I was in the dentist today I was looking at the "for sale" rack and got bitten by it, in the end I purchased a tongue cleaner device, to.... erm.... clean my tongue. It is part of the washing your teeth ritual, dunno if it is different/better than using my toothbrush but I have bought it now

It's Fixed

Wow. So we went into dentist at lunchtime. She poked, looked, x-rayed me and I waited. When the x-ray had come up she called me back in and said "It's close, but ultimately...", but basically said that on my next appointment she would have to take it out.
So blah, blah, blah we had another appointment already but there won't be enough time then to do scary stuff to my tooth so we have cancelled that and made another appointment to have my tooth out
So she has filled it with temporary white stuff that hopefully will last the few weeks 'til my next appointment. You can see how much of my tooth came out, there was only a small amount of tooth left but the whole root was there

No Swimming Today

And this morning I was chewing my muesli when there was a crunch and  of a molar tooth that "they" had to do loads of work on last year just fell out. So there is a scary rough bit where it used to be, Alex phoned and made an emergency appointment for this afternoon.
But why am I so pleased that there is no time for swimming
And about 20 minutes later they txted me and said "Appointment on.... at...." and it was a different time. So I panicked, said to SP he better phone them but he read the txt thru and said "No, different date, this is another appointment"...