Saturday, 12 May 2012


Gosh, a stressful few minutes, trying to update my webpage but it wouldn't modernise, in the end I tried loading a page called "1N.T~H..." and that worked whereas the original "N.T~H..." still wouldn't update
A couple of hours later it just did it, gosh nose, perhaps the Internet is less busy now...


And I had toast today for lunch. Last time I had toast I had had such trouble with butter last time that I just put jam on it but this time, today, I managed to spread butter like properly and then added jam. So obviously my "doin' stuff with my hands" is improving

1st Timmying

And hooray today Timmy is here being bored doing f. all, for the first of his 3 day adventure
He's gone now. "See you tomorrow" we both said as he was leaving

Double Lordy

Gosh, my new house was built less than 10 years ago so it was after the law changed so that eg the doors are wide enuf for my arse wheelchair etc