Wednesday 23 March 2011

Heathen Deity

So as I needed a heathen deity instead of saying "In The Name Of God" so I had a Google and it turned up a Find Your Heathen Deity page. So I can now say "In The Name Of Odin"


And I had a shower tonight. As I was coming out of the bathroom I tapped my right foot against the door frame. Now if it had been my other foot I wouldn't have thought about it any more, what's done is done but as it was on the RHS of my body, the side that's f*c*ed, it hurt loads, I nearly cried.


And I am going off in a bit to buy that (lovely) Ruth a (hopefully) nice lunch
And yes, it was both lovely, and the pancakes we had for pudding too. Mmmmm. AND as well as us Megan, Ruth's daughter came in to say hello, I managed to persuade her to let me buy her lunch too.... But she is 17 now, looking for work etc, that means she was only 9 when I had my crash
But I just had a fizzy water now as I have some Sloe Gin for tonight, stay sensible (ish)
And I was panicing a bit, thinking I can't have that much food for lunch then a big dinner, but I went to the fridge and checked the best before fate on the chopped up veg that I was gonna cook tonight but it's best before tomorrow. Guess what I am having for tea tomorrow?


As I had got my splint on a tight as a very tight think s'morning, like it's supposed to be, I couldn't do it up, so had to call a MOS a4 about 8.20, when I had just got up, and ask her to help


And about a half hour after I should have been in bed the Broadband connection stopped working so I spent the next hour and a half checking bits etc. No joy. Although it did say that it could tell that all wires were connected to my PC so I wasn't panicking as much as perhaps I would have been. So in the end I gave up and went to bed. I was forced to get back up because I was worrying about summat else (No need as it turned out) and as I was about to go back to bed I glanced at my PC (OK at my Broadband provider hub, the magic box that sits next to my PC) and all the lights had gone blue again, it was working again and I was supposed to be asleep