Tuesday 1 November 2016

Bollock Knees

And so tonight instead of cooking my usual roast veg I got out a tin of tomatoes I bought t'other day and started chopping veg, then got the lentils, herbs, garlic etc and produced nearly a Vegetable Bollock Knees for dinner and I must say, it was actually rather pleasant. GGtGG did say he thought it was lovely too


So then after lunchtime we popped to see Sara Davis the Physio in Pil. We did loads of walking on the machine, loads forwards, less but still some both directions sideways and backwards. She commented on how I was balancing much better etc. In the end she got me to walk down the room with no walking stick. First of all I was sticking my arm out to balance me but after suggestion I was just walking up the room normally


So GGtGG phoned the garage s'morning to ask for a lift home tonight and they said "It has just been serviced", possibly they will be able to make the display stop without any more hassle. So wait and see s'afternoon, possibly we won't need a lift home at all
No, so we showed up, told them what she said on the phone and within 2 minutes of being indoors he came back and said "No, it is fscked, come back tomorrow" so GGtGG is gonna phone them before he leaves tomorrow in case it is fixed when there are 2 MOS present so we can get a lift there from one of the MOS who will then go hiome

Erm.... and....

After I put a link on my webpage I was further researching it and found this.