Monday 23 July 2018

Imminent Disaster

And I stood up from the dinner table tonight and headed for the washing up bowl. But as I turned I hit my coffee brewer and it headed for the floor. I thought "Oh no, brush and mop", it fell the whole way down, bounced off the top of my foot and didn't break even one little bit. I shrugged, picked it back up and set in on the corner of the table again, this time slightly further back from the edge

Oops, I had forgotten to sort my pics

And 2 days ago I went to the Lyric Theatre to see the National Theatre of Wales NHS is 70 comedy show. Which I did rather enjoy but had forgotten that I had taken pics (possibly because I am not allowed to) but I found them on my camera tonight


And we are off to the Headway meeting in Swansea s'afternoon to do f. all that I can see any point in but the alternative would be swimming in the pool
And as ever we had an OK time. I think the game requires too much thought so one can't be sociable but otherwise we would complain that we were bored so dunno what should be done