Thursday 13 October 2016

Puff Taker

And the postman brought me a new "puff taker" so I can measure my lung capacity twice a day like I am supposed to but haven't been able to for a week and a bit as the last puffer broke


Then we spoke to Sam, who is trying to arrange a trip for me and 1 MOS to meet him, Emma and hopefully Toby and Freya in the midlands at her parents house so I can meet them too. (In-laws soon????)
But if my 3 kids make it it will be a bit special
"Tell timmy That weekend is fine to visit :) (the 5th of november)..... Emma says there is a travelodge or premier Inn nearby"

What A Day

So first of all today me and Timmy went to gym and I did another 10km cycle. I was f***ing knackered afterwards and thought it must have been the fastest yet but Timmy sez it was roughly the same time as a fortnight ago. It was about 42 minutes, it used to take me an hour to do that distance
Then after we came back I asked Timmy about removing the extra chair from the kitchen, he said "Yes" and headed towards the back door. I said "No" and did it myself, out the door, down 2 steps then across to the garage


Then first thing s'morning we had to pop to Iechyd Da to pick up my veg. We didn't need to do the usual first thing as we popped to a Morrison's and got the rest of my weeks shopping last night