Tuesday 8 May 2018

We Are Going Out

So we are going to have dinner out tonight....
And we had a lovely night. We had food first then got stuck into playing card games which I could have done without but we did have a nice night. Chatting to a newbie eg
And we did win the game!!!!!

The Plumber

And the plumber phoned GGtGG s'afternoon and said "I have been having trub getting the spring to go in the middle, I got the two outside bits. Eventually I found it, I can have it by Friday or I can spend £100 and buy the whole piece by tomorrow".
GGtGG had said "Neil will probably be tight fisted, I will confirm but unless you hear from me assume we will wait a few days"
So hoo fscking ray a few more days in the pool shower but it is worth it to save a hundred quid


Tho just walking about on the way to the shower without the FES device on my foot makes such a difference, it might be a pain in the arse but it doesn't half make walking better/easier

Bigger Sigh

So we had to pop to the pool again s'afternoon and say "Going to the pool" and take ourselves into the shower and make myself clean


So we came over and had a meeting with Sam@gym and discussed me entering the "I'm doing well" competition which I said "Yes" to but she is gonna find lots of old "How well am I ATM" stuff that we will then be able to compare how much better am I now with
Then we said tara and went upstairs to get stuck into a 10Km cycle. Which I still have two thirds of to go
Which I finished. It took me ages because I had accidentally pressed the button to make it harder 6 or 7 times but I still managed it in under an hour. Just

Going To Bed

So I was going to bed tonight and I reached to switch on the PC which every night since I bought it has required a couple of minutes worth of faffing about to eventually switch it on.
Tonight I just pressed the on button and it came on!!!!