Friday 18 November 2016


So today we had been warned that Sam was ill so she couldn't take the class (Missing her already) but she said contact the gym before heading over as they might find a stand in but they might not. So we headed over at 2 o'clock anyway and as they said the class wasn't happening we just went to gym and did a load of machine balance work
The highlight of which was a go on the new "walking upstairs" machine - it just felt so strange actually being capable of using it.
I started off on speed 1 for a couple of minutes, switch up to 2 then finished off being quite comfortable going up at speed 3


Well that was quick and easy, after 2 mins wait we were called in, she did it, made an appt for 6 months on, then we left. About 10 mins total in there
BUT I thought to myself that I will try sitting on one of their lower chairs today, ie most of their chairs. When we got there all the taller chairs were full so I had to sit on a lower one, but when she called my name I was able to stand up


Well today is a sunny day now, s'pose the clear sky was why it was so cold last night.
Sunny but still chilly

Ice Ice Baby

And when MM went out to remove his car s'morning he had to scrape the ice off the windscreen etc, it was icy last night

Balance Is Improving

So in the rain storms in the last few days 3 or 4 times when moving my walky stick has left me, slid away, usually when I am changing direction or summat. Not once have I hit the floor or needed to be caught by my MOS or even needed to grab the wall with my hand. My balance and reactions to disaster is just so much better these days