Friday 4 June 2010


So a woman said to me that I am supposed to be walking more, I said "Too up and down hill" so she said "What about on the road" so today I walked, pushing my 'chair from my flat down to number 7 and back later. The trip back was without someone keeping an eye on me either


And a MOS who is from Africa told me that my hangy up thing with bamboo on looked like a small version of a Marimba, a musical instrument

Fix it

And the chap came about to fix my buzzer thing, he just had to reset it and it works again. And I now know how to reset it if it is broken again


And the chap came in and assessed me for a new wheelchair and a new electric wheelchair today. Now the electric 'chair isn't powerful enough to take me to town so I will be able to phone a taxi, which makes my sister not panic. So next week he is gonna come back with a larger pushing 'chair and another powered one to try again. But he wasn't able to try footwear for me as the message had kind of only half got thru
And today I was riding in a powered chair which only worked with my right hand. It was too difficult but I was remarkably good

Blinkin' Flip

So there I was exploring stuff on my 'puter, under scanner it had 3 different ways of scanning, I deleted 2 and thought "Fuc* it" and tried it anyway. AND it bleedin' worked!!!