Monday 27 August 2012


And there being very little Ixion today I am watching some telly. And it is pointless, sh*t


And again I made a pasta and stir fry and stuff for dinner. The packet of stuff that I used said "serves one" on it but you were just supposed to heat it up and pour it over pasta whereas I had made loadsa veg to add.
So it worked and was lovely for the two of us

Veggie Forced?

Food shortages could force world into vegetarianism, warn scientists

AND they will make us read about it, too


And Julia's dad, Brian, came to see me s'afternoon which was a bit strange but quite good.
And he brought me 2 of these

My eye is getting better

Then today while I was eating my lunch I temporarily took the eye patch off my right eye. Looking out the window while eating I can say it is definitely getting better, much less between my eyes, the vision looked a lot more normal. Still obviously not normal but a lot better

More reasons to shop at...

So me and Ed went to Morrison's and did a small shop, I think this once a week is too much so I will try twice a week now


So it's a Bank(er) Holiday today but some of us don't get holidays, I have got no holidays, each and every day I have to work at flipping getting better.
Posted on Ixion s'morning