Thursday 23 December 2010


Jonathan Livingston, I got it for Chrimbly. I last read it about 20 years ago and I had forgotten, but WOW how cool, and I am a bit jealous


Then after lunch my Dad and little brother came over to see me, we didn't do much except taking a few photos and then went out for a lovely meal. They are gonna have to take me away in't morning tomorrow, so see you when I get back

'Puter Woes

Then today suddenly my computer stopped being able to look at interweb sites, it just didn't work. I thought "Oh woe" but suddenly a load of email arrived so I knew it was still connected. I restarted Firefox, it still wouldn't work, so I restarted the whole PC. Now it works perfectly again, email and www access. (shrug)

I was so excited that I woke up

Very early s'morning, lay there for a bit then got up too very early
Because my Dad and Brother are coming over today to take me to Scotland tomorrow, to my sisters house, for Chrimbly. Then when I come back it should be much warmer again, just proper cold December temperatures