Tuesday 28 December 2010

See me

Then later today all my kids came and had dinner, all of them. It was the most I have had sat this dining table, ever

Post Mortem

It occurred to me while at my sisters summat came on't telly saying "post mortem" and I thought "What a sh*t job, looking at bodies" etc


While I was staying at Carly's I felt that her loo was much too low, if you are sitting down to pooh it proved really difficult to stand back up, I had to pull on the sink and the door handle but I managed in the end.

But on the way up I went to the loo before leaving then didn't need to go again until we were 3 countries away, so obviously summat is getting better


Well I slept last night so at a guess I am a bit better today. This afternoon my 3 kids are coming together and I will try to cook us all food etc.