Thursday 25 May 2017

Iechyd Da'ing

So we headed to Iechyd Da tonight. It seems to be quiet in the summer but there was still a few good musicians there, including a newbie who played the harmonica which was nice, if a bit difficult to take pictures of as it was hidden in his hands all the time

The Doctor

So I watched the Dr Who that I missed last weekend t'other day, but it occurred to me today that I had missed it last weekend too so I watched that today, the oxygen story.
Wow, just wow. I am a big fan of the current series, it has got sum magic back

Gymwards, again

So we popped to Caffi Iechyd Da to pick up my organic delivery s'morning, said "See you later" to the staff as they will be working tonight to do an open mic folk night.
Then we popped to Morrisons and got very little shopping but I needed sum.
Then I brought it home and put it away etc then popped to gym for a 2.5 km cycle. 
Trying to get back into the routine is a bit weird but well possible