Monday 26 November 2012


And I had for pudding the pear that I bought 2 of last week, so it was the first pear I have eaten in at least 9.5 years and it was delicious


So I was looking for summat else on Amazon and came across some of these which I felt the need to, I had to buy some

More Reasons To Shop At....

Then we went to Morrison's (noisy link) and did our weeks shopping, then we came back home for some lunch


Went to gym today and as usual worked really hard and spoke really hard too.
One of the other students said she hadn't been there for 3 weeks and she could really see the difference, in how much better I was
A "complete stranger" telling me she could see how much progress I had made and how quickly


But it didn't feel like Monday today, I had had no quiet days over he weekend.
But tra la lah I got up and ½ changed my bed s'morning and put it on to wash before I had my breakfast