Tuesday 6 March 2012


Then later today that Toby chap came around. He was cheerful etc but hadn't been to bed since yesterday so we had to take him back to his Mum's house early
But this is slightly positive, he doesn't wanna be at home so he goes to his Mum's, obviously they are better together than they used to be


And we booked a wee holiday in Belfast on or about my Dad's birfday today
And I had to pay for it
No, too much seriousness for one day, I can't have done that.....


So Paul came round s'morning and soon after we had to go to the gym. As usual I was being a mouthy f**ker but I am beginning to realise that people look at me and think "Last week he couldn't do this...." and I said to a chap who was walking between 2 MOS that "You couldn't walk" so.....