Saturday, 25 February 2017


So I was sat at the table in't kitchen, I stood up and walked to the bathroom for a pee. I was walking slower than usual but my walking stick was in my left hand held sideways so it wasn't touching the ground. I had my pee and walked back too, in that no stick style


Ooooh, at half time now Wales are in the lead over Scotland
Oh bother, the second half wasn't as much fun!!!!

Meat Eater Happy With Veggie

And MM s'morning said his missus took him to a Hare Krishna restaurant in Swansa t'other day, he thought "I WANT meat" but when the food arrived he was so impressed with it that he will go back another time to eat there!!!


So we need to pop and buy some muesli today. Fairy nuff. But I didn't make a note somewhere, it just popped into my head s'morning, I can remember stuff sometimes