Friday 7 August 2015

Oot To't Pub

So we headed up to the local pub, it was OK talking to one of my neighbours but it is really a restaurant with a small bar room at one end, the economy and folks habits have changed

Pizza 4 tea

And we are having Friday dinner of na'an bread pizza for dinner, it is cooking now and I am excited already


As I had missed the last 10 minutes of class and refused to cycle afterwards because I was feeling very strange after seeing the MS sufferer I walked down the stairs instead of using the lift as usual

And me and Gareth headed off to Aardvark s'morning.
First of all GGtGG fitted some new pads to the FES as someone is coming into gym s'afternoon to have a look etc.
But then we went, bought my usual amount of stuff (but they had no muesli this week) and an extra meal worth of veg as Ed is coming in tomorrow and we are gonna cook a meal from scratch
Well the visitor (an MS sufferer) came in and took me away from the last 10 minutes of class as she was talking to me & GGtGG. She is well unhappy with the FES but doesn't know how to set it etc, she has an appointment at the hospital next Tuesday and I said "Tell 'em you need support" but dunno. It did her some good talking to me she did a couple of steps...... dunno. She did say she is gonna come to class next week so we will see it any progress has been made


When I woke up s'morning I had a strange song in my head, going over and over. My iPad told me during my breakfast what it was, by whom?