Tuesday 1 March 2016

About Fscking Time

I have been trying and failing on and off since breakfast time s'morning, I have just sucked seeds, it's after 9 o'clock at night

Dinner Time

And for dinner tonight we are having 1 portion of curry and 1 portion of bollock-knees. Should I just mix them or use 2 pans to heat it?
No, neither. Alex had brought with him loadsa leftovers from home which he had with a packet of crisps for tea. So I ate one tonight and I will eat t'other in a couple of days when Timmy is here with his own food

Off Out

And after my nap we are heading to Wilko's to look for some (organic) seeds to plant in my new (soon) greenhouse.
While I am there I may as well pick up sum cheap mouthwash & chest washer etc
And we went, got soap goods, went looking, looked all the way along the seeds aisle and the next, no, there were no organic seeds. So we came home, on Ebay, a seller that Alex used last year and purchased 5 bags of organic seed

(sigh) More Exercises (/s)

And before my bath & nap today (same as every-fecking-day) I did my Linda-McCartney-string exercises

Quiet Morning....

Quiet morning....
So we'll head to gym over lunchtime and do my exercises.
And we did do exercises. Gosh, it is still difficult at times but generally so much easier than last month. My fitness and strength are both getting on so well
And Alex took another load of photos of me, that we will add to the "instructions" leaflet