Saturday, 19 March 2016


So tomorrow Alex is working again and we are gonna do some putting up of greenhouse and path so hopefully we can go and buy some soil etc etc

Cheese Sauce

And part of the dinner that Ed made tonight was various veg in cheese sauce. Which was part of my "what shall we cook tonight" list before my accident but I haven't eaten it for fscking years, but yum yum I think I may have to try it again on summat soon


And Ed is in to work today, he started 5 years and 2 days ago and he is leaving today, this is his last shift. He is becoming a nurse from a few days away.....
But what a change he has seen in me, I was stuck in my wheelchair 5 years ago and everything else.....


And Rob Bartlett sent me a link s'morning that within an hour enabled me to put a strange webpage together with different bits than I was familiar with, links in different ways etc