Tuesday 23 December 2014


My parents have landed in Cardiff now...
Nearly at Swansea now...
And they arrived, unpacked then came here for an hour before taking me out for dinner at their hotel, where they are staying. It was as delicious as expected but they had to come and say "Sorry, no veggie lasagne, what do you want?"
And tonight I had a piss before we left home and didn't have another until after we had come home again, ages and a half later
And someone at the hotel did comment, they only remember seeing me in my wheelchair which I had abandoned tonight


So first of all we went to the docs and picked up another 'script for cream for my chest. Today I got out of the car, walked into doctors, walked back out, walked across the car park and walked down to the chemist. Again, more proof of how quickly I am improving.
Then we went to gym and did a quick workout
So next week when I order my cream 'script I better phone them instead of using the online form. The past 2 weeks I have ordered 2 cream and they only give me 1, but as the doc said "Use it for 6 months" and one tube only lasts a week it means lots of visits to my doctor, I want more 'script and fewer visits

Don't Buy It

No Neil, it's not funny, no

Picking It Up

And when I was in t'loo s'morning I got a piece of loo roll. Because of "gord nose what" disasters a piece of loo roll, perhaps 1 cm x 0.75 cm fell on the floor. I just bent down and picked it up like a normal person, no holding on with one hand and lowering the other etc, I just bent down and picked it up
This is a small event but it is evidence of how much better I am nowadays. A year ago I would have to shout "Help", 6 months ago I would have bent down while holding on to the sink with one hand etc