Friday 27 April 2018


And as the weather forecast changed from raining during the day today we decided to try it at dinner time. Parked in the usual spot, walked up the hill, along King St, down the little st by the library then along back to the car looking at the back of all the shops.
It kind of does my head in, how easy/straightforward is walking these days 

Hard Work

Then after an early lunch we went to a gym class which as ever I detest but I can see that it is doing me some good. Today's main highlight was walking noticeably faster than I have been able  to for about 20 years, I think it was as fast as I have managed plus about 50%. Even GGtGG commented on how fast I was walking.
But who will I be able to chase?  


So we popped to the toenail chopper s'morning and she did a good job, it didn't hurt and feels better