Saturday 21 January 2012


Here I am sitting..... all alone..... bored......

Before Lunch

So we were on the way to St Clears and I thought "We are a bit early", headed up to Whitland, tried to find the farm I used to work for then headed out t'other side of Whitland, that I don't really know but WOW what a drive from there to lunch break. We passed a wind farm which produces enough energy for a small town, a castle and the most environmentally friendly house in the UK which I can't find a link for. He is, when his house is finished, not going to have any 'leccy bills (solar panels) no heating bills (dug down enough, warms up automatically). He might have a phone/internet bill but selling 'leccy from his panels should cover that


So for lunch today Timmy said "Where you wanna eat, in or out?" so I said "Out but somewhere new" and he thought for a minute then suggested a place in St Clears which I was astonished and really pleased to find. For a start the food was very delicious (including the dressing on the delicious side salad) but most of the ingredients were organic. My kind of place
And after such a lovely lunch I am still not hungry at dinner time. I just had a pie, no oven chips with it for tea

Local Food

And I was in Waverley Stores last night, where I buy my veg and I was able to ask "the boss" if their veg was local as well as organic. She said "Yes" obviously eg bananas aren't local but they specify that everything has to be as local as possible.