Friday, 2 March 2018


And tonight I am feeling so shit because we can't go to the pub. Some weekends I don't go at all but because I can't tonight it is making me want to more than usual


And we had a conference earlier and decided to listen to the advice on the radio and stay at home s'afternoon, not try and head to the gym class
Even tho I am missing Sam dunno if she was gonna make it in today.....


So I found yesterday with my new cover your splint product that I could fit it myself, I didn't have to call a MOS into the bathroom and say "HELP" like I had to when using a bin-bag


So I find that as I am not wearing my sling I can carry light goods and walk at the same time, which makes me feel a lot less disabled
Like carrying the towels back into the bathroom after I got dried/dressed. Summat I haven't been able to do for days...