Saturday 22 January 2011

Watching Telly

Now I was watching this BBC iPlayer thingie again, I am a bit of a fan, but I ATM only watch programs that I recall from before my crash, how will I get to know modern telly?


This morning I started reading another new book that arrived recently, it's called "Short And Shocking" after the stories within. The first story I enjoyed, lets hope the rest of the book is this entertaining


So I went out to "play" last night, it was relatively busy but on reflection it was a Friday night.
I went there in my 'chair as I need to sit down and can't carry drinks while using my 'stick, but when I was there I parked at one end of the pub, stood up (with my 'stick) and walked thru the crowds to the loo at t'other end, came out and walked back to my 'chair