Friday, 13 October 2017


So the FES feels a bit wrong when it is electricing my leg. So I nearly said to MM "Help" but then it occurred to me, my right leg is behaving as it did before my accident. So it's a get used to it feeling odd/painful as it is working so well

Seeing Clive

And we are popping out tonight to have dinner at Caffi Iechyd Da and see the band that's playing.
There will be Clive in his wheelchair and a few other members
Very good, very entertaining. They played loads old light "rock" songs, I am a fan


So we popped to gym for my once a week class and what can I say. I used my walking stick to get there and for some between the exercises motion but for nothing else, I did all the exercises on my feet, no stick.
Including the balance on just your right foot exercises

Strange Memory

So MM said summat "slowly" and I responded like this.
Very strange memory I have, I can't remember who sang songs but other nonsense is well remembered


Oops (fixed now on the 15th)

Smug Better

And it occurs to me today how much my quality of life has improved since my cream on my legs has been reduced to just the afternoon, not in the morning too