Tuesday 29 March 2011

Her Lift

And it was actually that Julia who came to get her tonight, Moishe and family have moved into a caravan in Freya's garden, so very hectic. But Julia said "I found your old wood burner that used to keep you warm when you lived at Happy Valley, want it?" and good lord, I had wondered where it was who had got it etc and it turned out to be under a pile of junk at Julia's. I don't need it but just sentimental reminding me of when I had a life
And strangily-strange. Tonight when I saw Julia I thought "Odin, how did I ever love that?", last time I saw her I thought "I still love her", so obviously progress in the getting better thing, but hopefully I will have come to terms with it better and won't think such nonsense next time I see her


Today, eventually, that Freya arrived. Then we had what proved to be a right performance but in the end it was a nice dinner. Yes, first of all I made the Falafel mixture and put one burger shaped bit on before the ring had heated enough and I had to call "Freya" and get her to help me turn it over. The second one was fine, easy to turn after a similar amount of time so it must have been the cooker. Then I had to call again and ask for help cutting the Pitta bread. She said "No, not yet" and put them in the toaster for a bit after which they were easily cuttable too.

But it was delicious, the falafel in Pitta mix. It would have been even nicer with tomato but green salad was a close second


So today I went to the loo, poohed large style, then wiped my bottom, then wiped some more with loo roll, I didn't use wipes, then I did one last wipe and checked the loo roll for dirty bits. Then I was so impressed I needed to check again. Good lord, I had done a whole poohing cycle without any extra wipes, I managed it all with loo roll. For the first time in ages!!!

Breakfast Time

And I was eating brekky s'morning and I couldn't get a newly remembered song out of my head


Lie In

This morning I woke up about 6.50. I thought "Nah, too early to get up" and dropped off 'til about 8.15. I repeated it and fell asleep once more until 9.05. I haven't succeeded in this "Dropping off again" thing for ages and I managed it twice today.