Sunday 9 September 2012

When I Die



And we had another pizza made from naan bread for dinner with oven chips and I had to use my new pizza cutter that we found t'other morning and it was quick and easy. None of this back and forward cutting, just line it up, press it forward and ur pizza is sliced

(Pics of) Eating with my right hand

And today it occurred to me that I haven't used my right handed spoon for ages, so I gave it a go today. Now it doesn't look as "proper" as my left hand does but the more I use it the better. Now I thought, when I was eating breakfast, that I should use the timer on my camera to take a pic. In the first one I had no head

and in the second one when I leaned my camera on a coaster I only had half a head

so I had to use 2 coasters piled up to take the proper looking final photo

Shop, shop, shopping

And Timmy said "Do you need to go to Morrison's today, as I need...." so "No, but yes". So today I will buy the ingredients to Freya's tortilla's and some other "extra" stuff, then tomorrow I will get some salad and my usual weeks shopping
OK, we got everything on my list apart from salad, I think my and Timmy make a good team shopping


So me and Ed were in my living room s'morning. I said "I can't walk the 6 steps to my other chair as I have no splint on, where's my walky stick", he said "Go for it" and moved into a position where he could catch me if needed. I managed to walk properly, upright, lifting my right foot etc so I can walk further than my confidence suggests, I AM GETTING SO MUCH BETTER SO QUICKLY that I can't keep up

Gone Now

And my brief visitor has left s'morning and gone back to Belfast