Monday 4 April 2011


And I have blinkin' cash ATFM


Dunno why, but I feel as grumpy as a very grumpy thing this afternoon, and I can't even go for a wheel, it's flippin' raining

Go To Spain

So s'morning I went out, did my shopping, came back, all dry. I had my lunch and go out and it is flaming raining now


Then Ed came to help me, he made my bed folded the washing to go in the airing cupboard (radical enuf) etc. Then we went to the supermarket. Well firstly we went to Tesco's, there we bought 4 packets of Tofu with stuff (4 so we won't have to go back there for 3 or 4 weeks) then we went to the place where I actually want them to have my profit, Morrison's, and got the rest of my shopping. Came back, did more stuff, talked for a bit then it was time for him to go, then I had some lunch


Well, as I am "busy" s'morning I had set my alarm clock for 8.45 today. I woke up and got up at 8.10