Saturday 7 January 2017

Out To Dinner

But alas as the cooker is not useable tonight me and Timmy will have to go out for dinner. Dunno where to yet, I still have a voucher for a tenner off at Frankie and Benny's but I will leave it up to Timmy to decide.
And it was nice when we got there, to F&B's. I had the cheapest pizza combined with half a portion of chips and half a slaw and it was fecking delicious

Bought A New Bit

Then over bedtime I was trying to find the part that RoyGBiv had said we would need to fix the oven if the mega-glue didn't hold it, which it hadn't.(1)
I found the part in the end, ordered it, now it's time for bed
Well, s'morning Timmy tried to stick it on again, using the mega glue, more of it this time, and perhaps we won't need the new bit when it arrives. Perhaps
(1) And I had been distracted earlier watching a whole game of rugger on't telly