Thursday 10 August 2017


Then after dinner we headed into town for a walk without any stairs and parked on Lammas St, walked up the hill to King St past St Peter's Civic Hall, back down past Iechyd Da and back round to the car. It wasn't much but I needed some exercise today

Missing You Already

Not that I see you very often but..... hopefully the new owner will get it together

That'll Do

So my speed test is looking OK


I think I can live with this

Communication Skills

So I said to Timmy what shall we do at gym as I have already done..... this week, he said "Wait, I will think" and came back 5 mins later and said "Me and Denyse were discussing...." and basically I will have a communication skills session instead. What that involves I have no idea but......
We discussed eye contact etc for an hour. I didn't feel that we covered anything that was new to me but perhaps it was a reminder. We have 2 more sessions to go thru at some stage


So some plug in fairy lights arrived a day early today so we went out, took out the broken ones and replaced them. I went to put the broken ones in the bin and suddenly the bin was full of coloured lights, they worked again. No idea why, they hadn't been working outside but they are now work again. So we put them on the shelf in the utility room switched off as a potential spare set

Usual Thursday Business

So we are off to pick up my organic veg in a bit, then go to MoreReasonsToShopAt.... (noisy link) then go to the fscking gym and do some fun exercises

Still Doing It

And I am still doing that "put right foot on left knee" thing