Thursday 5 May 2011


So I had a shower ½ an hour ago so I thought I wouldn't do the socks and boots and splint hassle, I would stay barefoot. And gosh it feels different without my high heeled right boot on, my toes feel all different and it feels like I can't touch the floor properly


So I went to "work" s'morning, it went OK, but still a bit dull. Then on the way back we went to the bakery, sat in a carp ark eating then went to vote in this referendum thingy. I had 3 papers all of which I did. Now when's the result coming out?


And my Dad phoned me last night and said how he had noticed that the crisis with the dentistry, he had noticed how I sorted it out by myself. He commented that 6 months ago I wouldn't have been alert enough to sort it out by myself


So I am going off to "work" in a bit....