Wednesday 26 November 2014


So we went out tonight to have a couple of pints in the pub up the street, 'cos we wanted to see if they were open Christmas eve too, so we drove up and walked from the car into the pub
And we have booked a Christmas Eve Dinner with my kids....


So that's twice in two days now that I have thought “Extra pooh now“ gone to the loo, sat down then did the most enormous farts then not needed a pooh after all


And after looking at the Interweb after I went to bed last night I must say that my new device is so much quicker that my mini-laptop which was there before


And yes, we have drowning on my timetable s'morning...
And we went, I didn't drown, I was able to stand on just my right foot for 30 seconds (just once but I did it), I was able to do some hopping on my right foot that I havent managed for a number of years etc. But when we got out there was somebody in the big disabled changing room and the drain in the smaller one was broken so it was full of mucky water from next door.
But we managed, had an effective exercise session
But today, swimming on my back it feels much better/easier kicking with my right foot/leg