Sunday 17 August 2014

First Look

And we went 10 minutes away from Carmarthen and had a first look at a property and dunno, it might be too small but I won't know until Timmy phones them tomorrow and makes an appointment to look

Reach It

So today I confirmed that we have overcome one of the issues with my new car. When I put my seat right back (as we had to do on the old car) the bleeding "hand-rest" was in the way meaning I couldn't put the seatbelt on with my right hand, it necessitated a lean over and stick it in manoeuvre. But we moved the seat forward by 2 clicks and I can now reach the belt with my right hand


And I noticed today that the central heating has switched itself off once again so it must be warmer today than it was yesterday

New Shopping Day

And me and Paul went and did my "new shopping day" at Morrison's s'morning. We only had 3 or 4 items to buy but I walked into, all around and back out, even tho I had no FES fitted on my right foot