Thursday 6 April 2017


And for dinner I had a veggie burger thingy which Timmy bought 2 of in the supermarket today and half a packet of roast-able bits of potato that Timmy also bought for himself earlier


Then later, just about lunchtime we headed out to gym (Surprise, surprise) I did 3 upper arm exercises on some machines that I haven't been on for ages then 1.5 km on the pedal a bike machine. I think today was a bit faster than last week but kept it in control, I was able to finish my target today

First Things First

Then s'morning me and Timmy headed into town first thing (OK, third thing after he had done the handover then come and put my FES on) and we headed down King St looking for a parking space. No, so we went round the block and then found 2 spaces on the closest parking bit to Caffi Iechyd Da. Walked down and got the veg and had a bit of a flirt with the MOS
Then we headed to Morrisons and did the rest of my shopping for the week and came back, put it away, paid for my Organic Veg via my PC (which is too modern and crazy for me, but it works) and caught my breath