Friday 11 February 2011


I told my sister about my asthma attacks when wiping my poo off, she said "Ahhh", popped in the shop on the way back tonight and bought some adult kind of Baby Wipes. I thought "Yeah but..." but I have just been to the loo and used them to clean my bum. No Asthma attack.
How strange


Then we went out and had dinner, and my big sister was saying how important todays meeting had been and how I am moving on
AND she said that she would have to come back on Monday night to meet my next official visitor who is coming to see me on Tuesday


Well the solicitor who was supposed to be here got stuck in a traffic jam where both sides of the motorway were stopped today, round about Newport, a fire in a tunnel. But his assistant came and we did a huge meeting where they talked about how I am getting better etc
And they talked about how I am gonna be having a lot less paid for by Leonard Cheshire carers pestering me, ATM I am supposed to have 28 hours per week in future I will have just 7 hours but lots of support workers paid for by me effectively who aren't necessarily attached to here

Chartered Physio

And she came and saw me s'morning. As she was testing me for the claim she had to try me right up until I failed with much stuff. Which was scary but I did much more than I thought I was capable of first IYSWIM
And she reminded me, I shattered my right Tibial Plateau which was before I was remembering stuff


So I am very nervous over my visitors today but my Dad and my sister insisted that there is no need "Don't panic Neil" so...... I am still panicking but "Shhh, don't tell anyone"...

Sleep is for the weak

So I went to bed about 12.30 last night, woke up for the 3rd or 4th time at 7.30 s'morning so I gave up and blinkin' got up then