Sunday 9 June 2013


After the sh*t*y spring we had it is now so warm, I am still just wearing a t-shirt, for the fourth or fifth day running. It is nearly dark, at 5 to 10 and it is still warm enough for just a t-shirt

New Ringtone

And after much trials and tribulations eventually I fixed it and my phone has a new sound ringtone


I was sitting around tonight when suddenly there was a motorcycle noise from just outside, it was Stuart who had dropped over for a cuppa on his evening ride out. Which was nice


So first of all today we headed into Currys at Towy Ford Retail Park, Carmarthen, SA31 2BN but decided not to buy the iPad from there. So we came back and got stuck into Amazon and bought it much more cheaply from there. Apparently it is being delivered tomorrow, here's hoping not at the time I am at gym.
We also called into the Range, next door, and bought some pick'n'mix sweeties. As I am no longer on a diet...... well wait and see but I was feeling hopeful today
And we also, at The Range, bought some covers for plants, so hopefully I will actually get to eat some blueberries off my blueberry plants