Wednesday 17 April 2013

Drinking Slowly

So me and Paul headed to my local tonight and I practiced my drinking slowly and just had 2 pints when there. But "they" are starting to recognise me as a resident of near here


And after gym we nipped out trying again to get a battery for my Bioness. As yesterday we tried loadsa places but in the fourth shop they actually sold it. Hooray.
So then we nipped home, had lunch and he tried to change my battery. He is still fiddling with it, no joy
No joy, still no battery


Hmmm, so off to Gym s'morning without my Bioness walking tool. And I can really tell how much I miss it ATM, it is really impressive. Apparently, it is much harder to walk without it
And as we were heading to gym I said "If the lift isn't fixed I can't walking up the stairs" but the blooming thing was fixed so we had a slightly strange class without my Bioness