Monday 11 July 2016

Finally Had Nut Roast

So tonight I had to feed me, MM and Biv so at last I was able to take the nut roast out of the freezer that has been in there for ages, I bought it carelessly ages ago and hadn't read the back of the packet, where it says "Serves four" and I nearly always feed 2. But I thought we could each have a bit more tonight. It was nice but too big for normal

Odd Deliverer

And just as I was finishing lunch today there was a knock on the door, there was someone from a delivery company delivering the 2 new birds for the front garden that I thought were being delivered by Royal Mail tomorrow

To The Pool

So we are off to the pool in a bit, me MM and Roy G Biv the trainee newbie. Not sure what's going on, I expect MM to stay out of the way and Biv to be learning what to do
No, Biv wasn't wearing flippers so he couldn't keep up. AND I managed a whole width from touching to touching with no floaty devices at all