Thursday 25 September 2014

But First

But before all that fun I had to go back to the (swear, swear) gym. We got stuck in, but of the first exercises, the shoulder press, was too difficult and after my first go which was nearly perfect I couldn't do any more and had to go on summat different. But the cycling is easier every time I try it, and I did more than 4km in my 20 min. stint

Missing Them Already

So we are going to the second last folk night at Iechyd Da (noisy link) in Carmarthen tonight. There is gonna be this months, next months then they are stopping.
(Bitter tears, weeping)
And it was excellent, loads of folk etc. I was talking to the landlady, she said she was pregnant now, and moving to Portugal next year so just wow etc. AND I did some work with my right hand today, which hasn't worked for some years


Not that it was cold last night but, even with my turned down central heating thermostat, I noticed that the bathroom radiator was switched on when I was sat next to it (having my p**h) s'morning