Thursday 31 May 2018

Iechyd Ding

And we are going to the monthly folk night at Iechyd Da tonight.....
Lordy, so the chap who was supposed to come down with the PA "forgot" and after much crises and phone calls said "I will be in an hour" and wasn't at all. We had loadsa folk playing on a cheap "hear it" battery powered PA with no vocals but even so a couple of them were excellent

Busy Thursday

And I remembered how to do it etc. After we brought it home and divided it into "put where" piles I put it all away.
Then we went to gym where today I did a rowing machine. So that feels a bit odd too, yes my right arm is behaving much better than it used to but along side that is a new ache as I am using unfit muscles

First Busy Thursday In A Fortnight

And as we didn't have to pick up any veg last Thursday as we were disappearing off for a few days on Friday so my baby boy could get wed very stylishly so today is the first Fetching Veg Thursday for 2 weeks.
Hopefully I will remember the fetching......